Option Explicit Private Const cnstOrder = "/+-* " 'Konstanta Operasi bilangan Private Sub Command1_Click() Label2 = SolveEquation(Text1) End Sub Private Function SolveEquation(ByVal pExpr As String) As Double SolveEquation = Recur_Solve(pExpr, Left$(cnstOrder, 1)) End Function Private Function Recur_Solve(ByVal pExp As String, ByVal pOperand As String) As Double Dim lArray() As String, NextOperand As String Dim lPos As Long, i As Long Dim RetVal As Double Dim DidEval As Boolean lPos = InStr(cnstOrder, pOperand) If lPos > 0 Then lArray = Split(pExp, Mid$(cnstOrder, lPos, 1)) If lPos < Len(cnstOrder) Then NextOperand = Mid$(cnstOrder, lPos + 1, 1) For i = 0 To UBound(lArray) Recur_Solve = Recur_Solve(lArray(i), NextOperand) If i = 0 Then RetVal = Recur_Solve Else RetVal = MathItUp(RetVal, Recur_Solve, pOperand) End If Next i Recur_Solve = RetVal DidEval = True End If If Not (DidEval) Then Recur_Solve = Val(pExp) End If End If End Function Private Sub Form_Activate() Text1.SetFocus Text1_GotFocus End Sub Private Sub Text1_GotFocus() With Text1 .SelStart = 0 .SelLength = Len(.Text) End With End Sub Private Function MathItUp(ByVal Total As Double, ByVal pVal As String, ByVal pOperand As String) As Double Dim lVal As Double lVal = CDbl(Val(Trim$(pVal))) Select Case pOperand Case "*": MathItUp = Total * lVal Case "/": MathItUp = Total / lVal Case "+": MathItUp = Total + lVal Case "-": MathItUp = Total - lVal Case Else: MathItUp = lVal End Select End Function Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If KeyAscii = 13 Then ' tekan Enter Label2 = SolveEquation(Text1) KeyAscii = 0 Text1_GotFocus End If End SubSEMOGA BERMANFAAT......
Kalau misalnya pakai php bisa nggak ya? Saya bingung cari referensi yang bahasa php nggak ketemu. Semua pakai textbox lebih dari satu. Kalau bisa membantu tolong hubungi saya di 672013193@student.uksw.edu :)